Wâpiwin Listening Circles

This program is offered both in-person (at The Star of the North) and online (via Zoom).

Star of the North Retreat Centre continues to work out its commitment to reconciliation by providing space for listening, learning, & healing. We will continue to learn from Indigenous elders, artists, & healers. Our Aurora Living program works through the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action, the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Report, & the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples over the course of 2 years.

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Listening and Sharing During Challenging Times

Event Details

Psychologist Alice Miller believes that a listening witness is needed for people to heal. Alice Miller’s stories portray abused and silenced children who later become destructive to themselves and to others. The Star of the North continues to actualize its commitment to meaningfully address the impacts of Indian Residential Schools and the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. The Star will continue to provide a safe space for listening, learning, and healing together. Wâpiwin – is a Cree word meaning the act of seeing. Three times a year we will host inclusive Listening Circles for on-site and on-line participants where we hope to truly see one another, with witnesses listening to the stories that need to be told. The Star is committed to healing and renewing relationships grounded in faith, hope and love, the greatest of these being love.




Wednesday November 13, 2024

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