Ron Rolheiser Weekend 2024

This annual retreat is offered both in-person and online via Zoom.

View Fee Schedule

Early Live-In


Early Commuter


Early Online


Generative Discipleship: The Deeper Secrets Inside the Gospels

Event Details

How do we move from being good to being great? How do we break the long-standing patterns and habits of mediocrity in our lives? How do we move beyond the last and deepest sadness of our lives? During this retreat we will attempt to take a deeper look at the invitations that Jesus has given us to grow. The great mystics have always stated that when we reach the highest level of human maturity, we will have only one question left: How can I be more helpful? How can we be more mature and more generative?


Ron Rolheiser, OMI, is a Roman Catholic priest and member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. He is a theologian, professor, and award-winning author, and served as president of the Oblate School of Theology. He holds Bachelor’s degrees from the University of Ottawa and Newman Theological College Edmonton and Master’s degrees from the University of San Francisco and the University of Louvain, Belgium along with a PhD/STD from the University of Louvain. Apart from his academic knowledge in systematic theology and philosophy, he has become a popular author and speaker in contemporary spirituality religion, and the secular world. He writes a weekly column that is carried in over 70 newspapers around the world.


Early Registration Ends November 1st

Early Online (via Zoom) ............... $230
Early Commuter ........................... $285
(includes Saturday lunch & supper, Sunday lunch)
Early Live-In ................................ $355
(includes two-night stay and all weekend meals)

After November 1st

Online (via Zoom) ............... $270
Commuter ........................... $325
(includes Saturday lunch & supper, Sunday lunch)
Live-In ................................ $395
(includes two-night stay and all weekend meals)




Friday November 29, 20247:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Saturday November 30, 20249:00 am - 7:30 pm
Sunday December 01, 20249:00 am - 1:00 pm

Early Live-In


Early Commuter


Early Online




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