Earthkeeping in the Way of Jesus

Season of Creation begins on September 1st, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, and ends on October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi. This is a time of grace that the Church, in ecumenical dialogue, offers to humanity to renew its relationship with the Creator and creation, through celebration, conversion and commitment together.

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The Story of Creation & Our Place in It

Event Details

Everywhere we look our world is beset by challenges. War, famine, poverty, economic inequality, discrimination, and many other issues bring suffering and harm to so many in our world. In addition, major ecological challenges, like biodiversity loss and climate change, negatively impact every single creature on the planet. And these consequences are steadily growing. Surely, the Biblical lament “How long, O Lord?” is terribly contemporary.

What does Scripture have to say about the (un)health of the biosphere? Does God care? What do ecological issues have to do with following Jesus? Where can we turn for hope in such troubled times?

As a way to engage these questions, this weekend will explore the story of creation and our place in the midst of that story as creaturely imago dei. We’ll draw on the testimony of Scripture, our own experience, and the witness of the Spirit in the lives of others, in order to discern a way forward that is faithful to our human calling and the Spirit’s ongoing work at this moment in history.


Rick Faw has been a lead educator at A Rocha Canada since 2004. In 2014 he became the Vice President of Programming, and in 2022 moved into the role of Education Director.

Rick combines academic backgrounds in science (BSc) and theology (MCS) with a love for the outdoors. His desire is for people to care for creation as they integrate Christian discipleship with their experience of the created world. Rick’s family (Crista and their teenagers, Jared and Zoë), lives and plays alongside five other households at Kingfisher Farm in the Tatalu watershed (aka the Little Campbell River) of Surrey, BC.

When he’s not working with A Rocha, Rick enjoys hiking, kayaking, biking, and other outdoor adventures. He’s also particularly fond of board games and berries.


Early Registration Ends September 1st

Early Online (via Zoom) ............... $230
Early Commuter ........................... $285
(includes Saturday lunch & supper, Sunday lunch)
Early Live-In ................................ $355
(includes two-night stay and all weekend meals)

After September 1st

Online (via Zoom) ............... $270
Commuter ........................... $325
(includes Saturday lunch & supper, Sunday lunch)
Live-In ................................ $395
(includes two-night stay and all weekend meals)




Friday September 27, 2024
Saturday September 28, 2024









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