Aurora Living: Formation Through Word & Creation

The Star of the North Retreat Centre’s signature two-year program Aurora Living: Formation Through Word and Creation is open for new registration applicants. Our emphasis is to deepen our relationship with Sacred Word and renew our relationship with Christ’s Spirit for the good of creation; for the good of the poor. Aurora Living is learning, integrating, and practicing a contemplative way of living in response to the call to love and serve our global family and care for our common home. 

Please note:  We encourage taking the full two years for the maximum benefit. However, options are available for taking selected modules according to applicant needs and preferences.   Flexible payment plans available by installment. Contact the Star or email for more detailed information.  To register for Fall 2024 Module 1:  Creation Stories of New Beginnings click the link: 

View Fee Schedule

Early Online 2 yr.


Early Commuter 2 yr.


Early Live-In 2yr.


2024-2026 Formation Cycle

Event Details



The intersection of Word, Creation, Community, Justice & Contemplation will transform us for a radical way of life as agents of a new dawn—this is Aurora Living!


We all want to find our place and purpose within something bigger than ourselves. We aspire to build healthy communities, and contribute to the well-being of our world. We want to lead lives that leave a legacy of goodness.

How do we engage a world beset by spiritual disillusionment, ruptured relationships, ecological crisis, and a loss of the common good? How do we realign our lives, so to realize our deepest desires for wholeness and restoration?


Aurora Living is a two-year formation journey comprised of six unique modules offered both in-person or online.

Each three-month module includes:

  • an opening weekend retreat
  • two Saturday retreats
  • small-group Wisdom Circles
  • monthly readings and videos
  • optional spiritual direction


  • Scripture & Christian Spiritual Traditions
  • Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home
  • Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action


What will I take away from this?

A transformed, integral life that joins faith and action together for the common good. A deeper sense of belonging and commitment with God, others, and creation. A certificate is awarded upon completion. Ask how Aurora might contribute to a Master’s degree or higher-education goal.

Who is this for?

Aurora is for those who desire a living, deepening relationship with Holy Mystery. The program is open to Christians willing to engage in the inner work of integrating contemplative prayer and social practice.

How do I apply?

If you are new to Aurora Living, please complete a one-time application and submit a spiritual reference before choosing a tuition option APPLICATION LINK HERE. Application inquires can be emailed to

Can I apply for a single module? Do I have to start the program at the beginning?

One of our goals with the program is to build a core of participants that will journey together for the full two-years and thus graduate together. At the beginning of a new cycle (September 2024), our promotional emphasis is on building this core group. That being said, we recognize the need for flexibility and are open to having folks join us mid-way, or even select just a module or two. Please reach out for an option that might work best for you.



Participants choose between a discounted 1 or 2 year payment plan, or pay per module. Early registration for full two-year program below.

Online (Via Zoom) ............................................. $3750 (after Septemember 1st: $3950)

Commuter ......................................................... $4250 (after Septemember 1st: $4550)
(does not include overnight stays or breakfasts)

Live-In ............................................................... $4750 (after Septemember 1st: $4750)
(includes all overnight stays and meals)


“The wide variety of speakers that excel in their field and the knowledge of all the participants is so enlightening. The program gave us hands-on participation models that not only expanded the teachings but allowed us to express our own ideas. I would recommend Aurora Living to anybody.”

“This program widely and richly opened many doors! I appreciated so much—the multiple paths of belief covered, the meaningful and respectful conversations, the resources provided in the online library and the team dedicated to supporting participants. Threaded throughout are words of scripture, contemplative practices and issues pertaining to our natural and social environments. Finally, is the possibility to grow in self-awareness and soul search, all under the umbrella of Love!”



Early Online 2 yr.


Early Commuter 2 yr.


Early Live-In 2yr.




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