Reconciliation Through Justice

Online registration for this evening is now CLOSED. Walk-in’s welcome. This program is offered both in-person (at The Star of the North) and online (via Zoom).

For former TRC commissioner Chief Willie Littlechild, reconciliation follows a process of truth-telling, healing, forgiveness, and justice. Others would say an apology only takes on meaning when there is action. That action for us here at the Star of the North takes the form of our on-going Reconciliation Through Justice series of Indigenous presenters speaking on their passion, within the horizon of justice as healthy, healing relationships. 

Star of the North Retreat Centre continues to work out its commitment to reconciliation by providing space for listening, learning, & healing. We will continue to learn from Indigenous elders, artists, & healers. Our Aurora Living program will work through the Truth & Reconciliation Calls to Action, the Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls Report, & the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

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