Spiritual Directors

Are you looking for someone to accompany you on your spiritual journey, to offer guidance, support and tools for deepening your relationship with God? The spiritual directors on our list are willing to come in to The Star to do directed retreats, depending on timing and availability. You can also book regular spiritual direction sessions with a director. Contact information for the directors can be found below or contact us at 780-459- 5511, programs@starofthenorth.ca for more information.


I began doing spiritual direction in 1995 after completing the Pacific Jubilee Spiritual Direction Program. Over the years, I have taken various courses in psychology, conflict resolution, the Work of Byron Katie, and recently I have begun studying the Compassionate Inquiry program with Dr. Gabor Maté. These forms of inquiry help to uncover core issues, emotions, and false beliefs that have obscured connection to self and thus blocked a deeper relationship with one’s spiritual tradition/path. They have been important to me and I am motivated to share them in a compassionate, gentle, and balanced way in spiritual direction.I am a professional oil painter/teacher, now semi-retired. I paint florals, portraits and landscapes in a realistic but slightly loose style. I also paint still-life subjects in a trompe l’oeil style with  precision in both color application and brushwork.

Contemplative prayer and centering prayer have been important to my spiritual journey and I have also learned various meditation practices through Zen Buddhism. I have led meditation workshops privately and in various locations.  To contact Bev, please call The Star at 780-459-5511 or email admin@starofthenorth.ca 

Pacific Jubilee Spiritual Direction Program – 1993 to 1995
Newman Theological College – 1987 to 1993
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises – 1990 to 1992
Anamcara Soul Companion through Sacred Art of Living Centre – 2020 to 2023

This program included:

  • a series of modules during the first year called Healing the Healers;
  • one year of learning and experiencing other world traditions in their healing practices, rituals and compassionate practices towards those who suffer;
  • a final year called Soul of Wellness in which we explored our own relational experiences of our own suffering as well as with those who suffer, through learning about our neurobiology and understanding how we function under stress, with the guided expertise of mentors assigned to us personally as well as a collective group;
  • hands-on spiritual practices included leaning into our own pain with support, understanding, and self-compassion, while being mentored entirely throughout the entire 3 years as we encountered our own insights, growth and transformation, with exercises guided by our amazing mentors.

“I don’t know Who — or what — put the question, I don’t know when it was put. I don’t even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone — or Something — and from that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that, therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal.” ~ Dag Hammarskjöld


I believe everyone has trustworthy wisdom that guides, empowers and transforms.  Two time-tested disciplines that support this movement are therapeutic yoga and spiritual development.  These disciplines nurture the relationship of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

 Therapeutic yoga offers ways of being grounded in the body through practices such as movement, breath, meditation and contemplation.  Opportunities arise to listen to sensations, thoughts and feelings and meet them with compassion. Yoga also supports regulation of the nervous system, and an overall sense of well-being.

 Spiritual formation study and practices, including spiritual direction, supports fostering the desire to remember and befriend innate goodness, both inwardly and in relationship with others.  Encountering the Divine roots from a grounded approach gives space for cultivating presence and purpose amidst uncertainty.

 I strive to create welcoming spaces with a sense of playfulness and curiosity. Sessions are available online or in person, for individuals or groups.

You can reach me via email at elizabethdanyluk1@gmail.com 


“To ‘listen’ to another’s soul into a condition of disclosure and discovery may be almost the

greatest service that any human being ever performs for another,” (Douglas V. Steere).

One of my great joys in life is to journey with others as we explore together God’s footprints in that person’s life.  I feel that I hold space at these times for a fellow journeyer to allow their soul, their inner teacher and guide, to be heard and validated.  It is, for me, a deep and respectful listening—a soulful listening where the person being listened to can share their everyday lives and experiences with all its joys and sorrows, ups and downs, trusting that is held safely.  We are all on this amazing journey and we need each other to be able to see more clearly, to understand more deeply, and to discover more profoundly the beauty of who we are and where God/Holy One is both present and leading us.  

With respect to my background, my spiritual life is lived within the context of my Roman Catholic faith.  I am a graduate of Newman Theological College, the Haden Spiritual Direction Program and the Sacred Art of Living and Dying Anamcara Apprenticeship. My training includes Christian mysticism, Jungian psychology, Ignatian spirituality, the Enneagram, spiritual suffering, and world religions.  I have a special interest in journeying with others through times of transition.  Some of my greatest teachers are my husband, children and grandchildren as they provide me with many life lessons. debbiem.doornbos@gmail.com 


I have trained in the gentle art of spiritual direction at Providence Renewal Centre Edmonton, the Jesuit Centre in Guelph, Ont. and with Louis Savary author of “The New Spiritual Exercises: In the Spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.” I am a retired Massage Therapist. Nurtured in the Anglican tradition, I am interested in eco-centered spirituality, leading meditations and retreats. For many years I have been a companion supporting those seeking a deeper, richer relationship with God as they embrace their own stories, helping them see that God has been waiting for them all along with love and grace. You can contact me at: patcher@shaw.ca


The spiritual path consists of many twists and turns, mountains and valleys, stops and starts, light and darkness.  Sometimes, you simply need to talk with someone who is familiar with this terrain; a fellow traveller, a spiritual companion who can offer support and guidance, helping discern the way forward.  Traversing your inner world with a spiritual director, an anam cara/soul friend affords the opportunity to safely explore the presence of God in your life.  Everything in your story belongs when it comes to listening deeply to the musings of your soul. 

Experiences and training programs that have fashioned and informed my role as a spiritual director/soul friend:

  • Life experiences/lessons as a husband, father, grandfather and man on a spiritual faith journey
  • Graduate, Anamcara Apprenticeship Project, (Certificate in the Art of Spiritual Discernment), Healing the Healers Programs, Sacred Art of Living Centre, Bend, OR
  • Member of Spiritual Directors International (SDI)
  • Graduate of Newman Theological College, Edmonton, AB
  • Former Addictions Counsellor, Twelve Step Recovery Program Advocate
  • Men’s Rites of Passage, Initiating Elder, Illuman/Richard Rohr, 2015-2019

I welcome inquiries and extend an invitation, honouring all spiritual paths.  I create a safe, inclusive space where seekers are free to talk about things that matter.  I can be reached at 780-721-1240 or email:  dan@wisdomspeaks.ca 

"The longest journey is the journey inside."


Archbishop Sylvain has been journeying with people on their spiritual path for over 40 years. During that journey he has gained a lot of wisdom that he has expressed in a book on Indigenous ministry (Drumming From Within) and two on addictions awareness (Walk A New Path and Together We Heal). His method of spiritual accompaniment is to listen to the story, affirm the person, prayerfully discern the movement of the Spirit in the person’s life, connect faith and scripture with life, and provide gentle direction for moving forward towards healing and greater wholeness. Archbishop Sylvain can be contacted by email: sylvainomi@icloud.com


With a compassionate, listening presence Spiritual Direction provides support with tools for discernment, growth in self-awareness, deepening prayer life in relationship with God for helping others on their spiritual journey. I see Spiritual Direction as assisting another to hear the Spirit’s guidance within themselves to authenticate, integrate, and nurture growth as human beings fully alive in God. I have enjoyed accompanying people on their spiritual journey since 2009.


  • Completed a two year Spiritual Direction Formation program through Queen’s House Retreat & Renewal Centre in Saskatoon, SK in 2009. 
  • B.Ed. from the U. of A. with Major in English and Minor in Religious Studies.
  • M.A. in Spirituality through Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX, May 2017.

I presently work as the Executive Director of Star of the North Retreat Centre.  email director@starofthenorth.ca


Hello, I am glad you have found your way to this space. Something drew you here and I wonder what? Perhaps you are asking questions about your purpose and sense of self. You may be wondering about your callings, your work and life choices, or wrestling with your religious beliefs, experiencing uncertainties and doubts. Or you simply feel a nudge towards swimming into deeper waters in your faith journey, but can’t quite articulate much about that longing. As a Spiritual Director, or you could say, Soul Companion, I seek to offer an attentive presence, providing a safe space where you can share your stories; a space where you can explore all you are called to be and do. My desire is to extend an invitation where together, we can pay attention to what God is up to in and through the everyday stuff of your life.


I studied and trained at Portland Seminary in the USA, obtaining first a Masters in Spiritual Formation in 2019, followed by a Certificate in Spiritual Direction in 2020. I am a member of Spiritual Directors International and abide by their code of ethics.


I became a Christian during my undergraduate years at University where I attended an Anglican church from time to time. I worshipped at a Pentecostal church for 20 years until moving to Canada in 2009. I worked at the King’s University, (see below), which has Christian Reformed Roots; Portland seminary, where I studied, has Quaker roots and currently, I worship at a Baptist Church. I find myself increasingly drawn to contemplative spirituality within the wide river that is the Christian faith and I am fascinated by the mystics. So I guess I have an ecumenical heart!

My Professional background?

I have worked for over 30 years in the field of career counselling and development work, predominately in England. Up to January 2025, I was the Career and Vocational Counsellor at The King’s University in Edmonton, Alberta. In that role, I combined my professional background with my skills in spiritual direction, helping students navigate their career paths in ways that integrated and aligned with their spiritual journeys.

I am a licensed Myers Briggs practitioner and Enneagram enthusiast, believing that such personality tools can help us become compassionate with ourselves and towards others.

My spiritual direction practice:

·         I am happy to meet with people face-to-face, (usually in my home), or virtually. 

·         Email: witsandle@gmail.com

·         The first session is free as we get to know each other. Fees, as well as more about my work can be found at my website: www.everydaypilgrimages.org 





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