Star Gazer W3
How do we live in the ruins of empire, surrounded by the degradation of creation, the trauma created by colonization, and the violence caused by immense wealth and privilege?
Paul and other followers of Jesus struggled with this question as they attempted to form small alternative communities shaped by Jesus to challenge the violence and injustices of the Roman empire.
Perhaps as we explore their story, we might gain wisdom for following Jesus in our own time.JOIN US THIS FRIDAY EVENING FOR A SPECIAL PRESENTATION ON THE EARLY CHURCH BY BIBLICAL SCHOLAR & AUTHOR, DR. SYLVIA KEESMAAT
Prayer for Christian Unity: Liturgy & Luncheon at The Star
The 2024 theme of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is “Love the Lord your God… and your neighbor as yourself.”
The love of Christ that unites all Christians is stronger than their divisions and together we commit ourselves to walking the path of love of God and love of neighbour. At least once a year, Christians are reminded of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (John 17:21). Hearts are touched and Christians come together to pray for their unity. Congregations and parishes all over the world exchange preachers or arrange special ecumenical celebrations and prayer services. The event that touches off this special experience is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Join us Thursday next week for an ecumenical prayer gathering followed by a simple fellowship luncheon.
Thursday, January 25 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
The prayer service, starting at 11:30 am, is free and open to all.
Lunch Cost: $20 (pre-registration required)
Thank You for Supporting Local Retreat Ministry
In these winter months the light comes late in the mornings and leaves early in the afternoon. For many of us who work, we leave and arrive home from work in the dark. There is just enough light to see by; much like our spiritual and human journey. Deepening our prayer life and intentional living to follow the Light of Christ in our day to day lives is helped by Jesus’ invitation to “come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest awhile” (Mark 6:31). By answering the call to this invitation, we mark our path towards a springtime awakening and allow ourselves to be recreated anew.
The Star offers retreats series and weekends, evening and day sessions, personal and group retreats to deepen our insight, perspective, and relationship with God for our journey of faith meeting life. Visit to browse the numerous formation and contemplation opportunities this winter/spring. Welcome. We hope to see you very soon.
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