Star Gazer W17
In This Issue...
- Enlarge the Space of Your Tent - Tuesday, April 25
- Register now for May Programs
- Star Camino Registration is Open
- Star Garden Updates
Conversation on Synodality
A reminder that the final installment of our virtual series Enlarge the Space of Your Tent happens on Tuesday, April 25 at 6:00 pm MT. Join a virtual panel conversation on the continental stage of the synod on synodality with presenters:
- Armella Sonntag: Regina, Saskatchewan Diocese of Regina Synod Submission Writing Team Member
- Andrew Bennett: Edmonton, Alberta Catholic Young Adults of Edmonton Synod Leadership Team
- Bishop Alain Faubert: Axillary Bishop of Montreal Alternate Quebec Continental Synod Representative
If you missed the registration deadline, let us know and we’ll do our best to get you a link.
Register By May 1st to Save
Gracefull Grandmothering Retreat
As we head toward Mother’s Day, why not gift a grandmother with a special day away? Join a prayerful and positive setting with Sandy Prather and Pam Melnyk in exploring the joy, hopes, dreams and challenges of grandmothering. Tuesday, May 9 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. Registration before May 1: $145. Register at 780-459-5511 or at
Planted: With God in the Garden Series
Are you itching to get out in the garden? Join Star Gardener Clint Porritt, for a 5-week series of outdoor urban gardening evenings combining ritual and reflection with hands-on good gardening practices and education around issues such as creation care and food security. 5 Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm starting May 17. Registration before May 1: $120. Register at 780-459-5511 or at
Reconciliation Through Justice: Land
Reconciliation is a journey. Join us online or in-person as we welcome elders Doreen Spence and Harry Lafond on Thursday evening, May 18 at 7:00 pm to speak to us on the issues surrounding land and reconciliation. Donations welcome. Register at 780-459-5511 or at
Addiction & The Family Weekend Workshop
This 12-Step workshop will provide information on the addictive process and recovery from it, opportunity for sharing, support for all participants, resources for moving forward and hope for a brighter future. The facilitators for the workshop are Sylvain L., author of Walk A New Path on addictions awareness, retired chaplain Mary-Anne M., and Richard N. all members of the 12 Step program. Registration before May 1: Online $120 | Commuter $160 | Live-In $335. Register at 780-459-5511 or at
Star Camino Registration is Open
Welcome back to the Star Camino! Our campaign goal for 2023 is $30,000. Join us on a circular, 5km walk (or a length of your choosing) that begins and ends at The Star of the North on Saturday, June 24th, 2023. We will meet at The Star of the North at 8:30 am, and begin the walk at 9 am. The walk will be followed by a light luncheon and celebration.
Your participation will help to achieve our mission at The Star of the North. This year, with your support, we’ll be able to:
- Replace hallway carpet on main floor alongside other maintenance needs
- Provide electricity for Star Garden greenhouse and development of rain-water collection system
- Maintain and replace yard-care tools and equipment
- Give subsidies for people who need support to attend Star 2023/24 programs for retreat and renewal
Here’s how to participate:
- Register at as an individual or team. For printed registration and materials, please contact us.
- Chose a fundraising goal and create a fundraising page on Zeffy.
- Send the page link to all of your friends, family and community organizations you belong to and invite them to join you on the Star Camino and/or sponsor your walk..
We look forward to walking with you in support of The Star!

Star Garden: Together We Grow
It’s garden season and we have so many updates to share!
- Greenhouse Build This Week! In January, our Star Garden cooperative gardening project received a $5000 environmental initiatives grant from the City of St. Albert to be put toward a 20” greenhouse. This week, Trace Associates, a local environmental science and engineering advisory firm, has agreed to volunteer their staff team for the official greenhouse-raising celebration.
- Gardening Workshops on May 10th Save the date, because Star Garden is pleased to have partnered with St. Albert Backyard Gardening group to offer an evening of short gardening workshops, just in time for the growing season! Topics will include tips for successful tomato planting, vermicomposting, growing fruits, deep-mulch gardening and more. Stay tuned for more details!
- On a Roll Campaign We’ve already collected over 2000 toilet paper tubes to be used as seedling inserts in our greenhouse. Donations can be dropped off at The Star during office hours.
- Planting Tray Builders Needed: We are 32% of the way toward our goal to build 100 planting trays by May 1st. If you’re a handy-person who would like to help out, please let us know.
- Our Volunteer Network is Growing Just this month, our volunteers have logged over 30 hours in helping prepare garden plots, build our greenhouse foundation, and even plant some seeds.
At Star Garden there are learning and volunteer opportunities for folks of all ages and abilities. Find out how you can get involved at
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