Star Gazer July Update

Star of the North Announces Second Aurora Living Cycle

After sending off our first batch of Aurora Living graduates in June, we are happy to announce the start of a new round of our signature program Aurora Living: Formation Through Word & Creation. Click here to read the article, Something Beautiful For God, about our first grad celebration at the OMI Lacombe Canada website.

Aurora Living is an immersive learning community comprised of six integrated modules over the course of two years, offered both in-person or online. Each three-month module includes an opening weekend retreat, two Saturday retreats, small-group gatherings, monthly resources and optional spiritual direction.

The emphasis of this program is to deepen our connection with Sacred Word and renew our relationship with Christ’s Spirit so that we may love, serve, and care for our common home. Our participants discover a transformed, integral life that joins faith and action together for the common good, and take away a deeper sense of belonging and commitment with God, others, and creation.

Over the summer months, we’re looking to welcome 15 new applicants in the program. We would love to have you consider joining us at the intersection of Word, Creation, Community, Justice & Contemplation. Visit to find out more.

Year 1 Aurora PresentersOutline of 2024-2026 Aurora Modules

New Fall/Winter Program Roll-Out

 It’s that time of year when we excitedly unveil the results of the all the behind-the-scenes organizing, negotiating, plan-making, scheduling, and design work of the past year. From opportunities to join our Aurora Living community to deepening your prayer life, from creation care to addictions awareness, from river walks to our Star Camino fundraiser, from our ongoing Ways of the Heart women’s weekend to our annual Ron Rolheiser public lecture, there is something for everyone! With over 15 events and retreats to choose from, we invite you to spend some time browsing these new offerings at    

Take note of the September 1st early registration deadline of these upcoming events: 

  • Listening to the Water: Stewarding the Sturgeon River Watershed Event
    Season of Creation: Presentations, Luncheon, River Walk & Activities
    Saturday, September 7 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm 

  • Calix Comes to Canada: Addition Has No Boundaries Retreat
    An International 12-Step Weekend with The Calix Society
    Friday, September 20 (7 pm) to Sunday, September 22 (1 pm) 

  • Aurora Living: Formation Through Word & Creation Program
    A Transformative Two-Year Journey Joining Faith & Action
    Opening Retreat Weekend: September 27 (7 pm) to 29 (4:30 pm) 

  • Bridges to Contemplative Living: Paradise Begins Now
    A Contemplative Dialogue Series Introducing Thomas Merton
    9 Wednesdays, October 2 to November 27 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm 

Star Cooperative Garden Update

What a wonderful garden season we have had thus far. Garden retreats and education events, youth field trips and a special blessing evening, loads of new volunteers and everything growing! We are so grateful to our volunteer team of Star Gardeners, including a large group of Ukrainian families, who have contributed so much in time, expertise, laughter and labour. We’ve harvested lettuce, kale, garlic scapes, swiss chard, radishes, romaine lettuce, green onions, saskatoons, sugar peas, beet greens, mushrooms, zucchini and herbs, with much more to come! Produce has been used by the Star Kitchen team, distributed among our gardeners, and sent to the Food Bank. Visit to find out more.

If you are part of a group (book club, walking group, family outing, prayer group, etc.) that would be interested in an educational garden-tour in late August, please reach out to Clint Porritt at We love taking folks around the garden, answering questions as best we can, and showing how regenerative gardening practices work.

We are currently in need of more grass clippings and leaves for mulching. If you are willing to drop off some bags, please contact us. 

Click to view Garden Slideshow by Clint Porritt

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