Luminaries Biannual Donor Newsletter
In This Issue of Luminaries
We hope you’ll click on the Luminaries link to browse our latest biannual donor newsletter and be encouraged and inspired by all that’s been happening through the Star. In this issue you’ll find:
- Thanksgiving for the Oblate Gala Celebration in May
- A Community of Helping Hands - Star Cooperative Garden Project Update
- Dancing Christ Light - A reflection from an Aurora Living graduate
- The story of a patron who bequest continues to bless the Star
- A sneak-peak at our 2025 winter programming & more!
Join Us On A Journey of Hope
Wilderness: The Journey to Wholeness
Aurora Living Winter 2025 Formation Module
Early Registration Deadline -- December 15
Aurora Living: Formation Through Word & Creation is still accepting applicants for our winter module–Wilderness: The Journey to Wholeness– starting January 24, 2025. Come join a formation community growing in scripture, creation care and reconciliation! Each 3-month module includes an opening retreat weekend and two Saturday retreats, smaller Wisdom Circle gatherings, monthly online resources and optional spiritual direction. Our presenters for this module include Debbie Rolfes, Rabbi Laura Duhan-Kaplan, and Ron Rolheiser. Find out more at
Advent: A Time for Preparation & Waiting
Waiting in Stillness: Advent Contemplative Prayer Retreat
Friday, December 13, 1:00 pm to Sunday, December 15, 1:00 pm
With Mary Jane Yates & Heather Mattson McCrady
Are you craving a time of stillness in this busy season? Have you been drawn to connect with your spiritual life but aren’t quite sure how or when to do this? As a time of expectant waiting and hope, Advent is the perfect time to do this! Learn how the practice of Centering Prayer is an experience of waiting in love for the holy to arrive. Join an in-depth introduction to the practice followed by periods of Centering Prayer, teaching, and collective reflection.
Registration: Live-In $415 | Commuter $335. Register at 780-459-5511 or at
Generative Discipleship: Deeper Secrets in the Gospels
A retreat with Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI
Friday, November 29 at 7:00 pm to Sunday, December 1 at 1:00 pm
How do we move from being good to being great? How do we break the long-standing patterns and habits of mediocrity in our lives? How do we move beyond the last and deepest sadness of our lives? Come take a deeper look at the invitations that Jesus has given us to grow. The great mystics stated that when we reach the highest level of human maturity, only one question is left: How can I be more helpful? How can we be more mature and more generative?
Registration: Live-In $395 | Commuter $325 | Online $270
Registration includes Friday night Domestic Monastery public lecture.
Register at 780-459-5511 or at
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